The fight against global warming is as important as the fight against the corruption in fact it global warming depends on extinction of corruption in the third world countries.
If the saying “lets cross the bridge when we come to it is anything to go by the African content and and the world at large are at that all crucial bridge. Just months away from all important the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen talks of the African call for compensation from the west to cover for its level of green house gas emission fill in the air the important question remains until now what have most of these African governments done to avert the situation which seems to deteriorate with every single day.
The main issues deliberated on include the role of lawmakers on climate change, legislative approaches and the economic impact of climate change among others. It goes without saying that legislation are critical in this fight but its in its implementation that worries me the Aberdare Ranges which is the water catchments for lake Elementaita in Naivasha which is dried up and lake Nakuru which has its catchments at dilapidated Mau forest which has been at the center controversy dividing the Kenyan political leaders on the issue of moving out the inhabitants to the point of cutting selfish political deals that would sustain their political future.
I do not deny that these African countries do deserve the compensation but recognize the huge problem that remains with the current situation and I fully blame it on corrupting because even after the legislation the implementers might easily be swayed by two hundred shilling at the expense of punishing the wrong doer.
The policies governing the environment just as important as any law and in their enforcement the government and its leaders fall short of what is important as they would rather take a small token of appreciation to excuse the misconduct. Unless we establish a tradition that will make the admistrators and law enforcer feel that the protection of the environment is of importance and hence prevent its deploration passionately the fight in developing worlds remain a jog on the spot that never leaves the mouths of our leaders and the media has some drama that they are willing to air for as long as they can until another hot story comes along that they can shift their focus to.
the small big ideas that go down in the backyards of nakuru town and kenya as told by oddie.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
'captive' The Movie Project
Captive is a screenplay of a short film that fictionally poses a question on the fate and security of orphaned children. It followed the protagonist, a young man in his early twenties who regains consciousness in an unfamiliar, noisy, busy bus terminus.He is confused and bedraggled as his face show line of desperation as he tries to recollect himself.
It becomes apparent that he is suffering from a temporary amnesia and with recurring pounding headache makes it unbearable for him.He seeks help from the people in his immediate surrounding but they are apparently unhelpful as perceive him in one way or the other as either a beggar a conman or lazy person.
As he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his identity and the eventful state that he’s in, he becomes entangled in discoveries that that put him in a dilemma.
I have written the screenplay and together with REPACTED-Kenya, we would like to make the project a reality. The REPACTED-Kenya Members are ready to participate as the cast in the production together with other various members of the Nakuru Players Theater. We and the cast will take care of costumes and props needed and I have already raised kshs. 10,000/= to cater for this.
REPACTED-Kenya as an upcoming organization is willing to pay the cast transport allowance and meals allowance.
It is our wish to give it an international standard in order to market the product and in our quest we would like to work with professional production houses in the country. Its obviously expensive but it is our opinion it would be more expensive to do the production the any other way as it may end up in our cupboards with no demand for distribution. We would appreciate any contributions to make this project a reality.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Annual Nakuru ASK Showground opened it gates once again to exhibit the fairest faces of services that Agriculture and other sectors have to offer. Agricultural parading of domestic animals and plants still gave the event its uniqueness and originality. In the arena, the various force bands e.g. National Youth Service, Prisons, Administration Police, Military Police kept the audience entertained with band songs and well rehearsed March. Apart from the forces, various groups also staged their comedies, dances, and acrobats. Among those groups were Repacted’s Uprising comedians and Sawwa Dancers.
Repacted were also the main mobilizers in the National Aids Control Council stand with their Magnet Theatre Performance pushing to popularize the VCTs and encourage the Audience to get tested and know their status. Other Groups that were mobilizing were Makry Group Kenya, Tears Group Kenya, Squash it, BIG and Genesis Arts Theatre.
Repacted’s SAWWA dancers took the opportunity to promote their upcoming show ‘the floating calabash’ which is set for 25th and 26th July, 2009. They did this by entertaining on various stands which welcomed their performance.these stands included K.C.C., Safaricom and Coca cola stands among others who were conducting promotions for their products.Their fans enjoyed the energized performances by the SAWWA Dancers and promised to buy tickets once they were out.
On Friday the H2O crew hosted the evening’s concert with performances from various Kenyan celebrities such as Meja, Wakimbizi, Lil Petro and others who left the crowd yearning for more.
At the end of the event it was a success but all the tr5aditional fans from their child could not help admit that they missed the parading of the parachutes and jets that used to fly by the arena.
Aphia II Rift Valley Festival
The Aphia II provincial festival marked its 2nd year with a lot of pomp, originality and creativity.the large number of new entrants in the competition characterized its growth as it was clear that it had opened an opportunity for youths to express themselves artistically through Drama as a tool for behavior change communication. The theme ‘Afya Yangu wajibu wangu’ which means ‘my health my Responsibility’ calls out for the people in the community to take charge of their health and live positively in order to protect them and their loved ones. Chanuka PTC from Kitale caused quite a stir in the competition with entries in almost every category. B.I.G. scooped the best group overall in the festival grabbing the title from Makry Group Kenya who still undoubtedly proved to be the loved ones in terms of creativity and classic performance. They scooped the award for best play and best choral verse and Chanuka PTC grabbed the categories of Oral narrative and contemporary music. B.I.G. were left to pick the Traditional dance and Solo Verse that carried the day.
The Great Rift 10 Aside
30th and 31st of may Saw Kenya’s biggest rugby teams clash and exhibit strength and power on the pitch as the great right ten aside tournament went down at the NAC grounds in Nakuru. Teams that attended were Mwamba, Impala, Mean Machine Nakuru 1(mnyore) and Nakuru 2 amongst others.
After the various stages the teams that made it to the finals were impala and Strathmore which had initially knocked out the home favour after a hard game with room for only one try. As it happened, Strathmore came out strong to scoop the tournaments trophy.
The tournament regained pomp, glamour and elegance as the fans, showed off their stylish vehicles with big Kenyan celebrities attending the event such as Hip Hop Artists ‘Wakamba Wawili’ and Talia Oyando among others Repacted Kenyans in conjunction with Aphia II were present to mobilize and promote the V.C.T. services and encourage people to be tested for HIV and thereby knowing their status.
It was another great 10 Aside Tournament that left people yearning for next years event.
“when the contraceptives are not enough to prevernt the myths misconceptions in a society our moral behaviors are put to trial” That is what characterized the 40 minute stage play partly musical which was staged by Repacted-Kenya as they made their debew into the District Aphia II Festival. The play unraveled the issues in the Modern African Society that surrounded unfaithfulness and the health risks involved in extramarital affairs. It also brings out teenage peer pressure and the misguided beliefs in the society about the signs and symptoms of HIV /Aids these perceptions are what drive Solo, a character, to avenge his apparent infection after being subject to delusions and self stigma. Written and directed by Eric Wanyama, the script hits the nail on the theme Afya yangu ni wajibu wangu which simply means my health my responsibility. It was strong enough to take the 2nd position in the play category there being knocked out by MAKRY GROUP Kenya’s play ‘the pot’ and could not proceed to the Provincial Stage. The play drew shock being a first making the organization a force to reckon with.
“when the contraceptives are not enough to prevernt the myths misconceptions in a society our moral behaviors are put to trial” That is what characterized the 40 minute stage play partly musical which was staged by Repacted-Kenya as they made their debew into the District Aphia II Festival. The play unraveled the issues in the Modern African Society that surrounded unfaithfulness and the health risks involved in extramarital affairs. It also brings out teenage peer pressure and the misguided beliefs in the society about the signs and symptoms of HIV /Aids these perceptions are what drive Solo, a character, to avenge his apparent infection after being subject to delusions and self stigma. Written and directed by Eric Wanyama, the script hits the nail on the theme Afya yangu ni wajibu wangu which simply means my health my responsibility. It was strong enough to take the 2nd position in the play category there being knocked out by MAKRY GROUP Kenya’s play ‘the pot’ and could not proceed to the Provincial Stage. The play drew shock being a first making the organization a force to reckon with.
Friday, April 24, 2009
magnet theatre
magnet theater is a form of community theater that is audience specific, venue specific and seeks to maintain a repeat audience. The activity uses music dance and puppetry to mobilize people a given site in a magnetic manner hence the name. after the mobilization a short skit is done targeting specific behaviors in the community which presents a dilemma for the purpose of provoking them to give their opinions on the issue at hand, then a facilitator comes in to co-ordinate the audience views. The facilitators aim is to mediate the discussion and whatever comes out of the discussion his/her opinion are not welcome.magnet theater runs under the assumption that the community has its own problems and provides its own solutions to the problems. Repacted Kenya is one such organization that i work with going to various communities within Nakuru each week tackling health issues, peace and reconciliation and other issues that may arise.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

These is the only single biggest movement that allows youths to explore their creative minds independent of class rooms and allow them to learn from the society and speak philosophies that have proven to teach more than most educational systems and syllabus teach. the only way any one is ever going to compete with hihop is if they provide a stage or forum for young people to speak freely and truely about our systems of educations, politics and society cos at the end we spend most of our time in class chasing the ROAD RUNNER and when we graduate we find our selves at the beggining with papers that amount to nothing. Then we start looking for what has all along been important that is SKILLS, otherwise you'll die a poor man satsified with nothing. Its because of these that I am forced to agree with the argument of dalc’s head of missions that in the near future there may actually be no schools these artist and the culture of their music may be the only people able to lead and mislead the youth. we face the truth that It’s only in their lyrics that youths will find hope and understanding in whatever harsh realities they face and they can therefore relate with what life has to offer. For that “keep the fire burnin”.
Quotes: ‘stay true to who you are and where it is that you came from coz at the top will be the same place you from’ Nas young Jeezy’s my president is black
(who says hip-hop is all noise, stop hearing and start listening)
Monday, January 26, 2009
i opened my blog recently but i havent been able to post any thing becouse of the slow network at my office. anyhow i havin an affair with art for a better part of my life. i am an actor peer educator and rapper based at the nakuru players theatre and member of Repacted kenya. thru my art ibelive i can chage my society though not yet a big house hold name i hope to reach out to any form of assistance becouse even thou i am an idealist no man is an island so being open minded i would like your views on what you i should be about as an artist and the better ways to perfect skills. kenyan no kenyan i would appreciate your views. and truth bites your welcome to bite me
nice blogging
i opened my blog recently but i havent been able to post any thing becouse of the slow network at my office. anyhow i havin an affair with art for a better part of my life. i am an actor peer educator and rapper based at the nakuru players theatre and member of Repacted kenya. thru my art ibelive i can chage my society though not yet a big house hold name i hope to reach out to any form of assistance becouse even thou i am an idealist no man is an island so being open minded i would like your views on what you i should be about as an artist and the better ways to perfect skills. kenyan no kenyan i would appreciate your views. and truth bites your welcome to bite me
nice blogging
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